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Call other users with the same interests as you anonymously on Cronvo™! Whether you just need someone to talk to, you want to share ideas, or you need an answer to a question, someone always wants to talk to you. Cronvo ™ will connect you with them.


-Talk about something. The focus is on the subject, not the speakers
-Connect to other users based on mutual interests
-Create interests you are passionate about
-Save interests that you like
-Speak for the mandatory first 60 seconds - after that, you can talk as long
as you like!
-Complete anonymity - we only use your phone number for verification
-Report abusive users and never talk to them again on that interest
-Give feedback to the Cronvo™ team whenever you want

How it works:

-Download the Cronvo™ app
-Enter your phone number to verify you are a real person
-Enter the code sent to you by SMS
-Start searching for and creating interests to talk about!
-Green on the left side of the interest box means another user is available
to talk
-Purple on the left side means you are in queue for the interest
-Double tap to favorite/unfavorite an interest
-Swipe right on an interest to get in the queue to talk/start a call
-Enjoy your Cronvo™ calls and tell us about your experience!

For more information, please visit